- Today's exercise is similar to yesterday's exercise. I still need to write a page to validate the posted data and return information based on the validation result.
- For me, today's exercise has improved my understanding of Flask a little bit, and reminded me of HTML syntax a little bit.
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
page = """
<form action="/v" method="post">
<p>Are you made of metal? <input type="radio" name="metal" value="yes">yes <input type="radio" name="metal" value="no">no</p>
<p>What is infinity +1 ? <input name="vnum" type="text"></p>
<p>Which is your favorite food? <select name="food">
<option value="humanfood">Human food</option>
<option value="apple">Apple</option>
<button name="button" value="button">Button</button>
return page
@app.route("/v", methods=["POST"])
def process():
form = request.form
metal = "no"
vnum = "verybig"
food = "apple"
vnum1 = form["vnum"].lower()
food1 = form["food"].lower()
if form["metal"] == metal and vnum1 == vnum and food1 == food:
page = """
You are hummer!
page = """
You are Robot!
return page'', port=81)